Does 王莉 Have (2024)

1. 王莉- UCAS - 中国科学院大学

  • 王莉 女 博导 中国科学院心理研究所 电子邮件: wangli ... Is Stronger Than Sad: Emotional Information ... have it: Local biological motion cues trigger ...

  • (1) Life motion signals modulate visual working memory, Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 2024, (2) Life motion signals bias the perception of apparent motion direction, British Journal of Psychology, 2024, (3) Action observation network: domain-specific or domain-general?, Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 2023, 第 1 作者(4) Gaze-triggered communicative intention compresses perceived temporal duration, Psychological Science, 2023, (5) Internal social attention: Gaze cues stored in working memory trigger involuntary attentional orienting, PSYCHOLOGICAL SCIENCE, 2022, 第 4 作者  通讯作者(6) Happy Is Stronger Than Sad: Emotional Information Modulates Social Attention, EMOTION, 2022, 第 3 作者  通讯作者(7) My own face looks larger than yours: A self-induced illusory size perception, COGNITION, 2021, 第 2 作者(8) My own face looks larger than yours: A self-induced illusory size perception, Cognition, 2021, (9) Cross-modal social attention triggered by biological motion cues, JOURNAL OF VISION, 2020, 第 3 作者  通讯作者(10) The Influences of Eye Gaze Cues on Cognitive Processing of Object and Its Mechanisms, PROGRESS IN BIOCHEMISTRY AND BIOPHYSICS, 2020, 第 3 作者(11) Cross-Category Adaptation of Reflexive Social Attention, JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY-GENERAL, 2020, 第 2 作者(12) Cross-category adaptation of reflexive social attention, Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 2020, (13) Heritability of reflexive social attention triggered by eye gaze...

2. ShanghaiExpat: "Shanghai Young Bakers: Wang Li ...

  • 海上青焙坊通过教授贫困家庭儿童烘焙技术而帮助他们获得独立,快乐的生活。王莉就是这样一个例子。 想了解更多关于海上青焙坊的信息 ...

  • ShanghaiExpat: "Shanghai Young Bakers: Wang Li " ShanghaiExpat: "海上青焙坊:王莉的故事" - Shanghai Young Bakers

3. 王莉茗

4. 王莉只为你(电视剧《开国》主题歌) ft. 杨阳Lyrics | Boomplay

  • 只为你(电视剧《开国》主题歌) ft. 杨阳lyrics by 王莉, listen and download latest songs of 王莉with lyrics on Boomplay.

  • 只为你 (电视剧《开国》主题歌) ft. 杨阳 lyrics by 王莉, listen and download latest songs of 王莉 with lyrics on Boomplay.

5. 王莉- 只为你(电视剧《开国》主题歌) - SoundCloud

6. 王莉- 山东省- Lawyer Profile | IFLR1000

  • This lawyer has not supplied any contact details or supplementary information. For more information about profiling options please contact Emily Kyriacou.

  • The IFLR1000's financial and corporate law rankings for 王 莉 - 山东省. The publication provides annual rankings and firm-by-firm editorial, including leading lawyers.

7. Near-Infrared Light Photovoltaic Detector Based on GaAs Nanocone ...

  • 18 jun 2014 · 王莉,Wang Li ... 摘要:Near infrared light photodiodes have been attracting increasing research interest due to their wide application in various ...

  • 王莉,Wang Li,合肥工业大学主页平台管理系统, Near-Infrared Light Photovoltaic Detector Based on GaAs Nanocone Array/Monolayer Graphene Schottky Junction光电系统 新型信息器件王莉,Wang Jena

8. Letra de 廖昌永, 王莉- 天下一家 - Musixmatch

  • ... have added to our pages. If you do not allow these cookies then some or all of these services may not function properly. Targeting Cookies. Targeting Cookies.

  • Letra de 天下一家 de 廖昌永, 王莉.

9. 南京航空航天大学主页平台管理系统王莉--中文主页-- The Detection ...

  • 点击次数:85. 所属单位:自动化学院. 发表刊物:IEEE Int. Conf. Progn. Heal. Manag., ICPHM. 摘要:Dc arc fault has no zero-crossing point and is difficult to ...

  • 王莉,Wang li,南京航空航天大学主页平台管理系统,王莉,南京航空航空大学电气工程系,教授博导,学科:电力电子及电力传动;电力系统自动化;电机与电器 研究方向:电力电子模块集成技术;电力电子可靠性技术;电...

Does 王莉 Have (2024)


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Name: Kelle Weber

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Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.