How Did Needful Things (1993) Impact Film

1. Villainy Controls 'Needful Things' : The film adaptation of Stephen King's ...

  • 27 aug 1993 · MOVIE REVIEW : Villainy Controls 'Needful Things' : The film adaptation of Stephen King's bestseller delivers ideas as well as jolts, and a ...

  • "Needful Things" (citywide), the new film of Stephen King's bestseller about a demonic gift-shop owner reducing a New England town to bloody chaos, is a movie about the horror of answered prayers, the dangers of getting what you want.

2. Book to Movie: Needful Things (1993) - You're Entitled to My Opinion

  • 1 jan 2012 · Needful Things was probably not a good Stephen King book to make into a movie. The story is simply the closing chapter in an ongoing tale.

  • Book to Movie: Needful Things (1993) Directed by Fraser Clarke Heston Screenplay by W.D. Richter Based on the novel, Needful Things , by...

3. Needful Things (1993) | Movie Review

  • 3 okt 2019 · It's a well-acted and even entertaining movie whose sense of fun is predicated on watching small-town rubes succumb to the whispers of the devil.

  • A helicopter shot races over a lighthouse in the opening of Needful Things, an adaptation of Stephen King’s 1991 novel. It’s the same lighthouse f

4. Adapting Stephen King's Needful Things: The 1993 Movie Is ...

  • 27 okt 2021 · So much has to be cut away in order to fit within 120 minutes that the overall impact of what it's trying to do can't help but be reduced.

  • The extended version of Stephen King's Needful Things is very much an adaptation worth hunting down.

5. [KING'S CORNER] Needful Things (1993) - The Fright Club NI

6. Needful Things movie review & film summary (1993) - Roger Ebert

  • Bevat niet: impact | Resultaten tonen met:impact

  • "Needful Things" is yet another one of those films based on a Stephen King story that inspires you to wonder why his stories don't make better films.

7. You Won't Believe Your Eyes: Needful Things | consideringstories

  • 3 okt 2023 · The film loses quite a bit of wind when that relationship reaches its inevitable conclusion and it has difficulty recovering its momentum ...

  • When the new shop opens in Castle Rock, all the locals are intrigued. It has an unusual name, a promising advertisement, and a mysterious owner. Polly Chalmers (Bonnie Bedelia) and Nettie Cobb (Ama…

8. Blu-ray review: “Needful Things” (1993) -

  • 27 nov 2023 · “Needful Things” transcends the horror genre by delving into complex moral themes. As the town succumbs to Gaunt's manipulations, characters are ...

  • “Needful Things” (1993) Horror/Drama Running Time: 102 minutes Written by: W. D. Richter Directed by: Fraser C. Heston Featuring: Ed Harris, Max von Sydow, Bonnie Bedelia, J. T. Walsh and Amanda Pl…

9. Film review: Needful Things - Deseret News

  • 30 aug 1993 · The cast is very good and the premise is fascinating, especially when taken as a metaphor for the world today, which seems to be less tolerant ...

  • In the new horror movie "Needful Things," the villain isn't a possessed child or a hockey-masked monster or any other form of evil manipulated by satanic forces. Bypassing the middle-men, this one goes straight to the source — the devil himself.

10. "It Blew Me Away": Stephen King Praises Extended Cut Of One Of His ...

  • 15 nov 2023 · ” Released in 1993, the darkly comic horror film Needful Things failed to impress critics, and enjoyed an underwhelming box office run ...

  • Needful Things released in 1993.

11. Needful Things (1993) - Mike's Take On the Movies

  • 17 sep 2015 · In the small town of Castle Rock our story will focus on a few residents including Ed Harris as the town sheriff who is romancing Bonnie Bedelia over at the ...

  • Aside from a list of usual titles, I have never found much to enjoy in the many horror films that showed up adapted from Stephen King stories back when they were turning up in abundance. For every …

12. The Pumpkin King: NEEDFUL THINGS (1993) - Neon Splatter

  • 11 okt 2022 · NEEDFUL THINGS is not a subtle movie. That lack of subtlety is forgivable to a point since the Stephen King novel is also far from understated.

  • Matt Wedge on how the power of nostalgia compels bad behavior in this prescient Stephen King adaptation.

13. Needful Things (1993) 4K Review - FlickDirect

  • 25 jul 2023 · Needful Things is another story that deviates from the normal horror movie narrative. While it incorporates elements of violence and centers ...

  • As the film opens the picture quality is, in a word, awful. However, one minute in, everything changes and the 4K native (2160p) resolution kicks in putting everything in sharp focus with incredible detail.

14. Needful Things | Rotten Tomatoes

  • Needful Things is yet another one of those films based on a Stephen King story that inspires you to wonder why his stories don't make better films. Content ...

  • When a creepy older man named Leland Gaunt (Max von Sydow) moves to a small town in Maine and sets up an antique shop, bad things soon follow. Gaunt has the remarkable ability of selling people exactly what they want most, but his ideal purchases come at a price that involves more than just money. Through Gaunt's manipulation, the citizens of the town gradually turn on one another, resulting in violence that Sheriff Alan Pangborn (Ed Harris) struggles to contain.

15. Needful Things | film by Heston [1993] - Britannica

  • 16 sep 2024 · Other articles where Needful Things is discussed: Stephen King: Other novels: …he published Needful Things (1991; film 1993); ...

  • Other articles where Needful Things is discussed: Stephen King: Other novels: …he published Needful Things (1991; film 1993); Dolores Claiborne (1993; film 1995); The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon (1999); Dreamcatcher (2001; film 2003); Cell (2006; film 2016); Lisey’s Story (2006; TV miniseries 2021); Duma Key (2008); Under the Dome (2009; TV series 2013–15);

16. Needful Things Reviews - TV Guide

  • Needful Things Reviews. 43 Metascore; 1993; 2 hr 0 mins; Drama, Horror ... impact of the Nettie/Wilma battle, the movie goes slack. As the film's hero ...

  • Check out the exclusive TV Guide movie review and see our movie rating for Needful Things

How Did Needful Things (1993) Impact Film


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Author: Van Hayes

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Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

Address: 2004 Kling Rapid, New Destiny, MT 64658-2367

Phone: +512425013758

Job: National Farming Director

Hobby: Reading, Polo, Genealogy, amateur radio, Scouting, Stand-up comedy, Cryptography

Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.